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Calligrapher/ Artists – Accepted Artwork

Akemi Lucas: Blue Rose

Amirbehnam Tehranifar: Holiness 2 (with green circle)

Amol Saraf: Forgiveness

Andrea Wunderlich: Stolpersteine - Tripping Stones

Annie Cicale: alance-II-A and Balance-II-B

Asghar Mohammadi: Khalgh Gooyand and Balaghalola

Bahareh Bayat: Sun

Baikei Uehiro: Both works

Charlotte Chan: Moon & Stars

Christina Schneck: Flying

Christine Haggarty: Heart Sutra Mantra

Debra Self: Many Paths and Dark Motion

Diane Abt: Fern Hill

Dominique Simond : Pour connaitre les hommes

Eric Carson: Revelation 23

Erika Vincze: Ambrosian

Georgia-C&G Angelopoulos: Three Vases

Gemma Black: RENGETSU

Hadeer Omar: The TV and I understood

Hassan Makaremi: Me

Hoonaz Afaghi: Untitled, 12.5x12.5, Calligraphy-Painting

Ildiko Ogasawara: The violet

Izzy Pludwinski: In All Your Ways

Jaime de Albarracín: OMNIA

JoAnn B. Brand: Shorebird Constellations

Johann Georg Maierhofer: Alphabet

Judy Detrick: Hammurabi

Kayvan Mokri: Untitled, 37*37, Mixed Media on Canvas

Korea Kim Jong Chil: Han(한)

Kristian Kabuay: Kalayaan

Larry Thomas: Enchantments and Hexes

Linda Turner: Rustic Meditation I and Rustic Meditation II

Mahmoud Gamal: And the leg is wound about the leg

Mahmoud Mostafa: If We had sent down this Quran upon a mountain

Mahsa Shoghi: Silver Nothing and Golden Nothing

Marcy Robinson: Death

Mari Emily Bohley: Hoarfrost and Palimpsest sketches

Marika Koskimäki-Ketelä: Midsummer Fest

Mayur Munj: Devnagri Script

Mohammad Abdolahi: خطت که سبزه ز گلبرگ تر بر آورده

Mohammad Alian & Fateme Kazemi: Siyah Mashgh Nastaliqu and Shekasteh

Mohammad Reza Dehshiri: Untitled 12x12 and Flight 8x13.8x8

Mohammad Reza Amouzad: Maranjan & Maranj 12x12

Mohan Saraf: Universe is Family

Motoko Kamada: Whisper

Patricia Buttice: The Lie

Peyman Mehdizadeh: Hakim Khayyam

Raoul Martinez: O Sleep

Rick Paulus: Bani Adam and Hope

Ronald Y. Nakasone: Akatsuki and The Way

Sajad Hemati: Light Digital Photography

Shigemasa Horio: MU and DOKUDAMI

Sultana Jesmine: PLAY to MEMORIZE

Takako Matoba: 人 (hito)

Termeh Yaghoubi: Gilymaj

Thomas Stewart: Atmabandhu

Thomas Ingmire: Human Cosmos and Afghanistan

Tree Gelb Stuber: Tikkun Olam

Tyrus Clutter: Superaedificat and Bruised

Werner Schneider: Both works

Accepted Calligraphers/ Artworks

“Calligraphies in Conversation” 4th International Exhibition at the

Skylight Gallery of San Francisco Public Library

Exhibition Date and Place:

September 17 to December 31, 2017 at the Skylight Gallery of San Francisco Public Library, California, USA. Opening reception with calligraphy presentations   on September 17, 2017 at 1 – 5 p.m.


We are honored to announce the accepted calligraphers/artists and their artworks for the Calligraphies in Conversation 2017 exhibition.


We received over 250 submissions from local, national, and international calligraphers and artists living around the world including the U.S., Germany, Canada, Iran, Japan, Hong Kong, France, Hungary, Australia, Qatar, Peru, Korea, Egypt, Israel, Finland, and India. All of the submitted works were in a very high quality form and we regret that we had to exclude some of them due to space limitation. We want to thank all of the calligraphers and artists who submitted works and encourage the ones that are not accepted to stay in touch and submit works for our future exhibitions.

We ask that the accepted calligraphers and artists to carefully review all the updated conditions below and read the shipment or drop off details below and send us an email at their earliest convenience confirming their participation and arranging for their choice of drop off.


  • July 1, 2017: Deadline for submissions

  • July 9, 2017: Announcing accepted artworks and artists

  • September 1 and 2, 2017 between 3 – 6 p.m.: Artwork drop-off days

  • September 1, 2107: Deadline for receiving the mailed artworks

  • September 17, 2017, 1-5 p.m.: Opening reception at San Francisco Public Library at Koret Auditorium (1-3 pm) and Skylight Gallery (3-5 pm)

  • December 31, 2017: Exhibition closing date

  • January 19 and 20, 2018 between 3 – 6 p.m.: Artwork pickup and mail back

Artwork Mail or Drop off Options

1- Artwork that is mailed should be received between August 20 and September 1, 2017 by Ziya Art Center. Artwork that is mailed should have a return label (prepaid return postage which we can use to return the work by mail without extra cost) and should have a secure returnable package. We will not be responsible to return the mailed artwork that does not have a return label. Late arrivals are not accepted to the exhibition. Mailing information of Ziya Art Center:

Address: 2055 Center St., #307

City: Berkeley

State: CA

Zip Code: 94704

Phone: 510-283-4518

Correspondence: Arash Shirinbab



2- Hand delivery of accepted artwork to Ziya Art Center at 2055 Center St., #307, Berkeley, CA, 94704 on September 1 and 2, 2017 between 3 – 6 p.m. Please note that our studio is on the third floor and you would need to call 510-283-4518 before your arrival to arrange the pickup downstairs.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please DO NOT send or drop any artwork directly to the San Francisco Public Library. Ziya Art Center is responsible to collect all the artworks and take them to the library on special dates for installation. Thus all the artworks should be send to or be dropped at Ziya Art Center based on the options mentioned above.

Pick Up and Return Details

January 19 and 20, 2018 from 3 pm – 6 pm are the pickup date from Ziya Art Center at 2055 Center St., #307, Berkeley, CA, 94704. Please call 510-283-4518 before your arrival to arrange the pickup downstairs. Artworks that are mailed will be mailed back within the same time frame. Any artwork that is not picked up after January 20 or does not have a return label or is returned from post office or international custom for any reason, will be discarded or remained as our property and might be discarded, used in other exhibition, or used at our fundraisers and auctions in the future.


We cannot display pricing of the artworks at the Skylight Gallery due to the Library’s restrictions. However, per our negotiations, we can encourage interested collectors to look the details of the artworks up on our website. We plan to create an online gallery of the selected works with full details and encourage collectors to obtain the works. Thus, the Sales condition of our exhibition is updated to the original condition in which we will retain 40% commission on all sales during the course of the exhibition. Artists are responsible for the packaging, shipment, and insurance of their artwork to the buyers.



The artwork will be displayed in a safe and secure location at the Skylight Gallery and will be insured by the San Francisco Public Library through the exhibition. However, the artwork will not be insured beyond the exhibition and neither the organizer nor the hosting organizations bear any liability in this regard. Images of artwork submitted may be used in printed and digital formats (including but not limited to the exhibit book, posters and flyers, and online/ digital representations) by the organizations leading the exhibition.


Submitting artwork to this exhibition acknowledges agreement set forth in this Call to Artists. The organizations leading the exhibition may rescind the right of displaying any art misrepresented or unsuitably presented and may change the conditions if necessary.

CONTACT: For any questions, please email to and include the word “QUESTION” in the subject line of your email or call 510-283-4518. For more information please visit



Ziya Art Center, San Francisco Public Library, Friends of Calligraphy, Multiverse Art Gallery, SAMENA Circle, Persian Arts Revival (PAR), and California School of Traditional Arts


Exhibit your work at the San Francisco Public Library from September 17 to December 31, 2017 through the Calligraphies in Conversation Fourth International Exhibition. 

2015 Calligraphies in Conversation at the Oakland Asian Cultural Center

© Copyright, All rights reserved, 2018, Ziya Inc.

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Ziya, Ziya Art Studio, Ziya center, Ziya art, Islam, Islamic calligraphy, Islamic art, calligraphy, Bay Area, Berkeley, California, learn art, art class, calligraphy class, calligraphy artwork, artwork, exotic artworks, Muslim, Muslim art, Iran, Persian art, Persian calligraphy, cultural , call to artists, interfaith artart, indigenous art, art event planning, fundraising, art auction, graphic design, Arash Shirinbab, Fateme Montazeri,

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