"Calligraphies in Conversation" 2016, Third International Exhibition
Accepted Calligraphers/ Artworks for the “Calligraphies in Conversation” Third International Exhibition at the Gallery of Fremont Art Association
We are honored to announce the accepted calligraphers/artists and their artworks for the Calligraphies in Conversation 2016 exhibition. We received over 200 submissions from local, national, and international calligraphers and artists living around the world including the U.S., Canada, Taiwan, Check Republic, India, Iran, Hungary, and Brunei Darussalam. All of the submitted works were in a very high quality form and we regret that we had to exclude many of them due to space limitation. The hosting gallery has a decent and intimate space that can fit limited number of works. We want to thank all of the calligraphers and artists who submitted works and encourage the ones that are not accepted to stay in touch and submit works for our future exhibitions.
We ask that the accepted calligraphers and artists read the shipment or drop off details below and send us an email at their earliest convenience confirming their participation and arranging for their choice of drop off.
Post or Drop off Details: Artwork that is accepted should be properly prepared to be shown in the exhibition and should have a wire on the back for hanging. Please include your name, title of the work, and your contact information on the back of your artwork. You may send their work through one of the three ways:
Artwork that is posted by July 29, 2016 being sent to Ziya Art Center at 2055 Center St., #307, Berkeley, CA, 94704. Artwork that is posted to Ziya Art Center a return label (prepaid return postage) and should have a secure returnable package. We will not be responsible to return the posted artwork that does not have return label. Late arrivals are not accepted to the exhibition. Accepted artists may post their artwork with no framing included and we do the simple framing at the exhibition; in this case artists should include $50 (USD) framing fee paid by check to Ziya Inc or cash. The frames will be disposed or used for our future exhibitions and are not returnable to the artists.
Hand delivery of accepted artworks to Ziya Art Center at 2055 Center St., #307, Berkeley, CA, 94704 by July 30, 2016, from 12 – 5 pm.
Hand delivery of accepted artworks to Fremont Art Association at 37697 Niles Blvd, Fremont, CA 94536 by August 1, 2016, from 10 am – 12 pm.
Calligrapher/ Artists – Accepted Artwork
Abdul Baki Bin Abu Bakar – 2 (Thuluth calligraphy man kana yuridu hartha aldunya)
Abdolreza Hosseini Garakani – Mankind
Amol Aaraf – Praises for Lord
Arash Shirinbab – Poem Painting
Crystal Liu – Purity, Ears and Purity Eyes
Elizabeth Nisperos – Kilig
Erika Vincze – Farewell
Forrest Lesch Middelton – Nishapur
Hamedeh Mashiyati – Untitled 1
Hamidreza Safizadeh – Gratitude
Henry Kao – A Taste of Art and Perspective Eye
Janet Martorelli – Image 2
Maryam Vesal – Flower and Bird
Mohan Saraf – Modi Alphabetical
Motoko Kamada – First Poem Brown and First Poem Red
Nafiseh Kalaee – Sun
Nikhat Qureshi – Alwahab
Nikola Klanicová – On the Self-consistency Principle
Ronald Y Nakasone – Formless Form
Seyyed Mohammad Borhani – Bak00123
Shafaq Ahmad – AIN
Shu Yi Liu – Calligraphy3
Stewart Thomas – Lord Have Mercy
Susan Duhan Felix – Light and Blessing Bowl
Takako Matoba – Susuki Enso
“Calligraphies in Conversation” exhibition encompasses an annual group exhibition to endorse the appreciation of traditional and classic calligraphy. The emphasis of this program is initiating a meaningful conversation between different calligraphy traditions especially between the Middle Eastern calligraphy and other calligraphy scripts. The third Calligraphies in Conversation exhibition will be hosted at the Gallery of Fremont Art Association from August 1 to September 23, 2016 with the opening reception and Arabic-Persian calligraphy workshop with Arash Shirinbab on August 3, 2016 at 7 – 9 pm. The Chief Curator of the exhibition, Shirinbab, has assembled a unique collection of calligraphic works with range of diverse traditions and styles including Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, Persian, Hindi, Hebrew, and Western classic calligraphy artworks as well as manifestations of calligraphy in some contemporary and abstract art pieces.