Board of Directors
Raeshma Razvi, is both a working media artist and a nonprofit specialist, having worked within the nonprofit realm for over a dozen years. In 2009 she founded Silkworm Media, an organization dedicated to bridging people and communities through creative media arts and original nonprofit programming.
Fateme Montazeri, obtained a Master’s Degree in Art Studies and is now a PhD student of Islamic Art at the U.C. Berkeley’s Graduate Theological Union. In addition to her scholarship, she is a practicing calligrapher and has a certificate from National Institute of Iranian Calligraphers.
Minoosh Zomoridinia, photographer, film maker, and environmental artist. Her works have been exhibited internationally. Recently, her work is shown in The Altered Landscape exhibition in the Nevada Art Museum. Minoosh is a member of an environmental artists group "Open Five" from 2004 to present. Since 2012 she is nominated as a board member of the WEAD, Women Environmental Artist Directory.
Hamed Adibzadeh, Attorney at law and legal advisor.